La Fonderia è stata progettata dall’ing. Rolandi nel 1930 e inaugurata nel 1932. All’epoca era la più grande d’Europa ed è stata fonte di benessere economico per tutto il territorio.
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The foundry has been designed by Engineer Rolandi in 1930 and inaugurated in 1932. At that time it was the biggest in Europe, a source of wealth for the entire territory.
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Museo Due Fonderie
Il Museo Due Fonderie è situato all’interno degli ex magazzini ferroviari, un tempo snodo per la materia prima che, dalla miniera di Montevecchio, era portata allo stabilimento industriale di San Gavino Monreale per la lavorazione.
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The Due Fonderie Museum (Two Foundries Museum) is located in the former railway warehouse, which in the past was the reference warehouse for raw materials, before they were transported from mines of Montevecchio to the Foundry to be processed.
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